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Moon Madness - 12, Copyright© 2001-2006 By Larry K. Hockman, "All RIGHTS RESERVED"
Hawaiian Escape
turned into the long airport drive, asking Anna where she should park. She instructed her to pull right up to the front door under the awning and leave the keys in the car when she got out. It and their luggage would be taken care of.
Stacey did as Anna had told her and went to the back to get the wheelchair for Anna. Four airport employees came outside before Anna was comfortably seated. The tall one leading the others directed a question to Stacey. "Is this the science foundation party?" She replied, "Yes sir, it is." He continued, "Here are your flight tickets Dr. Fontain! We will bring your luggage check ticket to you in the restaurant if you would care for a cup of coffee or perhaps a smoke before departure. I'm sure you are familiar with the latest FAA ruling concerning commuter flights." He pointed out across the runways past the hangars and continued, "There is your Dallas flight arriving now. Please listen for the boarding call of "Flight 213" in about twenty minutes at Gate 3. I've taken the liberty of already checking your boarding passes so that you might avoid further
delay. Comfortable flight cages will be provided for your animals at no charge." Stacey suppressed a giggle when the man turned to Anna and said, "Welcome to our humble airport, Miss Holden, and you as well Mr. Casey. It is always a pleasure to serve Dr. Fontain and her colleagues." He then turned and passed his hand before the door. It opened for their entry. Stacey pushed Anna through with Vince trailing behind.
Along the way, Stacey apologized to Anna for the role reversal. Anna told her she thought she handled the prestige well. As a joke, she asked Anna if she qualified to wear her new ring, too. Laughing, she replied that there were only two things she wouldn't share with her, . . her man or her jewelry!
Stacey ordered them all a cup of coffee in the restaurant and explained that she had to call Dr. Allman. She lit a cigarette and headed for the phone. She returned shortly and adjusted Anna's wheelchair to elevate the foot more. Anna asked what the doctor had said. Stacey told them he was none too happy about the situation and to take the best care of you two as I could. Overall, keep Anna's foot up and Vince off of his as much as possible. He also said he knew it was comin' to this, sooner or later. The
media was also bangin' on his door this morning. The last thing he told me was to have faith in my abilities 'cause he did. He's a good man. Stacey confided in Vince and Anna that she wasn't sure she could handle the publicity. Anna comforted her by saying, "You're doing great. You'll get used to the prestige of being someone of importance and having other people handle the drudgeries of life for you. Pretty soon, you'll wonder how you ever managed before. Welcome to the big time, Miss Holden!"
The same man who had greeted them at the door came in and handed Stacey the luggage tickets, informing them they could go ahead and board if they desired to beat the rush. The regular announcement would be made in three minutes. Stacey thanked him. Vince placed a five under his cup to cover the coffee. Vince supervised the loading of the cats and soon they were comfortably seated on the plane. Vince traded seats with Stacey so she could have the window. Five minutes later, they taxied out and took off.
Stacey was unusually quiet the first leg of the trip. Anna surmised she was slightly preoccupied with Crip's welfare in the cargo hold and the frozen scenery of her homeland slipping away rapidly beneath her. Old memories were being left behind while new ones formed on the distant horizon.
A scant hour later, the plane touched down in Dallas. The change-over to the next flight took less than a half hour. Once in the air again, Stacey spoke up, "Anna, may I ask where we are going?" With a laugh, she apologized, "I'm sorry. I've been rather lost in my own thoughts." Vince broke in, "I was kinda wondering the same thing. This is a joint expedition, you know." She then continued, "My apologies again. It's a matter of corporate habit I need to work on -- arranging things. Normally, I'm all alone. Since our press dilemma has been solved, we can come to a common decision on our final destination. Currently, we are heading to the foundation to pick up a few necessities Stacey will need. I would like her and you to see firsthand where I call home base, not a grand tour mind you, only where we correlate our activities from. Thirty minutes max and we'll be on our way. In the interest of Moon and Crip's well-being, aside from ours, we can take the "Horizon", our corporate jet, anywhere we wish to go! The only limitation will be getting Stacey's passport in order and yours, if you don't already have one." Vince informed her his was valid and packed in his things. Anna asked them where they would like to go.
Rather timidly, Stacey asked, "Could we go someplace where it is warm this time of year?" Vince seconded the motion in agreement. Anna said that would suit her just fine, too, and suggested the American Virgin Islands or Hawaii. Vince and Anna saw Stacey light up like the Christmas tree in the cabin at the mere thought of going to Hawaii. Vince leaned over to kiss Anna and whispered, "I always wanted to get married near something awesome like a volcano!" Anna replied with a sly grin, "Sounds like the unbridled heat of island passion awaits us by the fire goddess, Sir Vince!" She kissed him and turned to Stacey, "Hawaii OK by you, Stacey?" She answered, "That is a definite understatement! This is turnin' into one helluva Christmas." She suddenly had a perplexed look and turned to ask Anna, "Can I afford this?" Anna laughed and said,
"Wait till we leave the foundation and then you can tell me."
The trio spent the remainder of the trip discussing the sights and activities they wanted to take in when they arrived on the islands. Anna also asked Stacey to be the maid of honor at her wedding. Vince decided Moon was to be the best "man."
A black-dressed chauffeur met them at the boarding gate as they disembarked from the plane in Florida. To Stacey's amazement, he already knew their names and addressed them accordingly. He informed them that Moon and Crip were being attended to along with their luggage. They should arrive at the car about the same time they did. As if on cue, he took on the job of pushing Anna's wheelchair himself. His partner awaited them at the limousine with the door open and the cats peering curiously out. He also greeted them by name and stowed the chair in the trunk after helping Anna in. Stacey asked Anna if she always traveled by limo. She told her it was just when she flew commercial aircraft. Her car had been stolen the last time she left it at the airport.
Anna seemed to know the limo as well as she did her own purse. She touched a button on the armrest to reveal a phone hidden by a sliding panel. Another button opened a small, but well-stocked bar. She asked Vince to fix them a drink while she called the office. Anna gave instructions to someone named Vera to pass on to Andy and Rex concerning their destination of Hawaii and informed her that they would arrive in five minutes.
Through the tinted glass, citrus orchards dominated the scenery until the car turned back to the west for a half mile. Stacey gasped when the limo topped a hill to reveal the breakers of the Atlantic Ocean rolling up a white beach to greet them. Stacey exclaimed, "I think I'm gonna like it here!"
The driver turned onto another road lined with stately palm trees swaying in the salt air. Several offshoot roads away from the coastline were lined with what appeared to be apartment complexes. Each was beautifully landscaped and equipped with tennis courts and a pool. Stacey remarked that they were probably expensive, being so close to the beach. Half laughing, Anna explained they were part of the foundation's student housing and cost the residents nothing except for excessive electricity use beyond the normal allowance.
Another quarter mile of palms terminated at the entrance of an enormous three-story building. The tips of helicopter rotors were silhouetted against the sky off one corner overlooking the ocean. A covered section of the parking facilities ran the full width of the building and extended past the lot to shelter a tall glass revolving door ten feet above ground level. Cast bronze letters above the entrance formed the message; National Foundation of Animal Behavioral Sciences, Founded in 1960 by Pierre Lamar Fontain.
Two men dressed in black leather jackets and dark shades awaited the trio and the cats at the top of the stairs. Anna was wheeled up the handicap ramp alongside the stairs which Vince negotiated with the aid of his crutches. She introduced them as the foundation's resident pilots and coordinators of air travel. One of the men welcomed Stacey with a broad smile and a kiss on her hand. All preparations for the trip had been taken care of. The weather check proved favorable with the exception of one tropical depression which they could either fly over or around, depending upon how much of a hurry they were in. Anna told Rex and Andy they wouldn't be long and to have someone load their luggage aboard the "Dragon."
The marble lined hallway ended at an elevator. A waiting area had been established for those with no security clearance needing a foundation escort. Anna deftly slid her card through the slot to open the doors and punched the button for the top floor. Seconds later, the doors opened into a plush office area headed by a vacant receptionist desk. An attractive young lady about Stacey's age headed to meet them with roses in one arm and a smart leather briefcase in the other. She deposited all but the
roses on the desk. Her high-pitched voice did not seem to match her striking red hair when she spoke, "Welcome home Dr. Fontain and you as well, Miss Holden. These are for you from the employees. Merry Christmas to you all. She handed one dozen of the roses to Anna and to Stacey's surprise, one to her. Anna's card read, "Merry Christmas, Mother. We missed you." Too many signatures to count followed the message. Anna chuckled at the note. Stacey asked her about the "Mother" part. She explained that it was a corporate joke. Everyone at the foundation referred to her as the "Mother Lode!" She told Stacey to open her card. It read, "Merry Christmas, Daughter! Welcome to Florida. We are looking forward to working with you." It too, was accompanied by the same rash of signatures. Stacey blushed slightly. Anna chuckled again, "Looks like your loyal subjects have already nick-named you as my protege'!"
Anna introduced the girl as Vera. She extended her hand to Stacey and then to Vince before she spoke, "Let me be the first to welcome you to the foundation, Miss Holden. I'm your new personal secretary, along with the good doctor, of course. My office is located directly between the both of yours with adjoining privacy doors to each. Anna told Vera to give Stacey her foundation work package and show her around her new office. Vera politely asked Stacey to follow her.
Anna dismissed the chauffeur for the day and told Vince to follow her to her office.
Stacey followed Vera to a door to the left of the center office. In oversized gold letters, the title read, Ms. Stacey Holden. Smaller letters beneath it said, Presidential Understudy and Official Photographer - Feline Division. Stacey was taken aback momentarily at the sight of her own name on the door. Vera paused and said, "Sounds good, doesn't it?" Stacey replied, "Surely does, but I still can't believe Dr. Fontain picked me for it. Two days ago I was just a nurse's aid trying to make ends meet like everyone else." Vera confided, "I know exactly what you mean, Miss Holden. Two years ago, I was waiting tables at a hotel restaurant bar, trying to work my way through secretary school when I met the doctor. She was having trouble getting a suitable photographer because some kind of political convention was in town. I had an ex-boyfriend who was a good photographer, even though he wasn't much good at anything else, and arranged to pull a few strings to get him to help her out. The arrangement worked out well and the next thing I knew, here I was.
Anna gave me a chance to prove myself, and I made a good showing. This is what I love to do. I can arrange most anything you'll ever need, day or night. On top of that, I make excellent money for my efforts! You can depend on me Miss Holden." Stacey told Vera to call her by her first name when they were alone. Vera presented her with the briefcase. Inside, were all of the necessary documents and expense reports related to her job. Vera said she would explain them at Stacey's leisure. All she required at the present was Stacey's signature in triplicate to activate the seven assorted credit cards contained in the separate card case which matched her briefcase. Stacey opened it to reveal various cards that would cover any imaginable expense! Vera showed her a list of automobile dealers they used for their lease cars and various color brochures showing what was available at each. Vera shook her head and said, "Mercy, Stacey, you have literally got the world at your plastic fingertips, now! Congratulations." Vera told Stacey she had to relay some messages to Anna and disappeared through the privacy door to her office.
Alone now, Stacey pinched herself to be sure she wasn't dreaming. She pulled the cord on the drapes to reveal a spectacular view of the Atlantic breakers crashing on a coral reef a hundred yards out from a snow-white beach! Seagulls were floating on invisible currents overhead as sandpipers nervously outran waves up the beach. A single pelican stared intently across the tops of the waves from his perch atop the highest rock at the end of a small jetty. Only Vera's voice through the box beside her phone jolted her drifting thoughts back to the present time. She was informed that Anna and Vince were waiting for her at the elevator. She thanked Vera, shut her briefcase, and headed to meet them. Vera met her at the door and handed her a set of keys to her desk, office, and the front entrance. Lastly, she was given her personal security card key. Vera commented that she was one of only four people in the entire foundation which enjoyed the unlimited security code!
The elevator dropped only one floor, opening directly to the rear onto a cutaway section of the roof which served as a sheltered heliport. Rex and Andy met them at the edge. The chopper was warmed and ready for take-off. Rex cautioned them to duck as they approached the swirling rotors. Anna was lifted in first, with Vince following. Rex made a special effort to help Stacey negotiate the two steps up to board. He and Andy climbed into the cockpit. The rotors gained speed rapidly with the extra fuel Rex allowed the engine to feed on. Rex prided himself on his feather-light landings and smooth flights. The engine scarcely strained as his skilled hands maneuvered the machine straight up to clear the rooftop.
The scenery was breath-taking from the air. Various types of terrain were visible in every direction. Dark swamps, citrus orchards, blue-green ocean and glistening white beaches seemed unlikely neighbors during the ten minute flight to the private airfield. A sleek, black and gold, twin-engine jet taxied out of its hangar as they approached. Rex landed the chopper smoothly to one side to avoid the shrill whine the engines produced behind the jet. He left the craft idling and helped unload his passengers and transfer the luggage to the jet. Andy performed a final pre-flight check while the luggage was being loaded. Stacey waited patiently for Vince to make his way into the plane. Moon and Crip followed close behind him. Once again, Rex offered his assistance to Stacey. Rex told Andy to have a safe trip and take extra good care of Miss Holden. At the mention of her name, Stacey smiled and waved before disappearing inside. The two pilots shook hands before Andy boarded and latched the door.
Andy turned to address the group, "I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome our first-time passengers, Mr. Casey and Miss Holden along with their respective felines." He shook each of their hands in turn and squatted to rub the cats' ears. Anna introduced him formally to Crip and Moon. Good-naturedly, he laughed and shook their paws. He then continued, "Please make yourselves comfortable, but refrain from loosening your seatbelts until we have attained cruising altitude wherein the green light above the cockpit door will change from red to green. Earl Clayburn will act as my co-pilot on this flight. As he is holding the reins at the moment, he is unable to join us for the introductions at the moment, but he will be back later. I must request for their safety that Miss Holden and Mr. Casey hold their animals only during take-off and landing when the red beacon is on. My name is Andy Mitzhoff. Smoking is permitted during green light conditions only. Are there any questions?"
Stacey spoke up immediately, "You and Rex favor each other. Are you two possibly related?" He grinned and explained, "Rex is my baby brother Miss Holden, terror of the wild blue yonder when it pertains to choppers. You'd better keep a sharp eye on him, Miss Holden. I haven't seen him that flustered since he talked the head majorette in high school into going to the prom with him instead of the quarterback of the football team!" Stacey blushed slightly at the revelation. He continued with a mischievous grin after glancing at his watch, "If Dr. Fontain will grant permission for a brotherly fly-by on our way out, you can wave bye-bye to him." Stacey interjected, "But he's already gone." Andy raised his eyebrows and stated, "No problem, Miss. I've been telling him for years that no matter how good a pilot he is, he can never outrun the Horizon!" He turned to Anna, "How 'bout it, DOC?" Anna answered with the question, "Don't you think it would be wise to find out if either Vince or Stacey has a weak stomach?" He looked at both over his aviation glasses. Stacey said, "I'm game if Vince is." Vince simply nodded a yes. Andy was ecstatic as he announced, "Ladies, gentlemen, and distinguished animals. Prepare for take-off. Little brother, we're on the way."
The travelers were given immediate clearance from the small tower offset from the main runway. The jet became airborne mere seconds after starting down the runway. Andy banked the plane sharply back to the right in the direction of the foundation. He climbed to only a thousand feet to enable him to spot his brother from above. Stacey spotted the chopper less than two miles from the foundation, only seconds before the nose of the jet dipped sharply for 500 feet and slowed drastically to sneak up alongside the chopper. Stacey waved at Rex. He smiled and returned the wave before pointing toward the open ocean beyond the building. Andy's voice came over a speaker from the cockpit, "Little brother never learns. He wants to race!"
Stacey watched the chopper intently. She saw Rex reach up at the ceiling about the time Andy told them to hang on since Rex was kicking in the chopper's turbine boost. She was amazed when the choppers nose dipped slightly and shot forward out of her sight. A distinct whine faded in the distance. She tried to lean forward for a better view, but Andy fed the engines at full throttle in order to catch up to his brother. The sheer force of the jet's acceleration had pinned her to the seat. Stacey now realized that the chopper was no match for the awesome power of the jet.
Andy was merely pacing his brother. Andy could be heard over the intercom muttering under his breath, "Not bad Rex, 293 miles per hour, not bad at all for a flying dinosaur!" Stacey watched Rex give his brother the "thumbs up" sign and pick up his radio. Andy patched his message through the intercom so everyone could hear, "Guess she needs a tuneup, Brother. I can normally get a triple C out of her. She won't buck the wind like the Horizon. Tell Miss Holden I'd be honored to show her around Florida when she gets back. Y'all have a safe trip. You'd better fly over the tropical depression. There's been an update warning of lateral wind shear. Bring some warm weather back for New Year's Eve. Try to keep me out of your jet wash when you suck my doors off. I'll veer left, you climb in ten seconds from now. Merry Christmas all. Over."
Rex waved at Stacey only an instant before disappearing from view as Andy nosed the jet skyward and executed a smooth 360° counterclockwise roll simultaneously! Thirty more seconds of nearly vertical acceleration put them at their cruising altitude of 23,000 feet. Andy leveled off and slightly adjusted their heading, backing off the throttle to a moderate speed of 400 MPH. The light above the cockpit door flashed to green before anyone caught their breath enough to speak.
After the jet stabilized, Stacey could detect no movement at all! A peek out the window revealed only the puffy softness of the cloud layer several thousand feet beneath them. Crip and Moon both meowed in unison and jumped down to explore the roomy plushness of the passenger cabin.
Stacey exclaimed, "What an adrenalin rush!" Vince agreed. Anna expressed her want of a drink and a cigarette. She pointed Stacey to a well-stocked bar, complete with ice and running water. The jet also had a small kitchen in the rear by the bathroom, complete with a self-contained shower. Anna told Stacey she could take a shower now if she wished, or wait till they checked into the hotel in Hawaii. Either way, they would have plenty of time with the long flight ahead of them. She intended to prop up her feet and catch a nap to pass the air time. Her plan sounded good to all. They had had a rather hectic day. Each seat in the jet fully reclined and was equipped with headphones and a tuner for any choice of music. A color TV was mounted above the compact bar. A small computer terminal was tucked into one corner by the entrance to the rear of the plane. Aside from the pilots, everyone drifted off to sleep. Moon and Crip claimed a seat to themselves. Anna had instructed Andy to wake them thirty minutes before the landing so they could see the islands from the air and freshen up a bit.
The remainder of the trip had gone smoothly. Andy had taken them up to 26,000 feet to avoid the upper air turbulence created by the tropical depression. Three-hundred miles from Hawaii, commonly called "The Big Island," he awakened the slumbering travelers. Anna and Stacey performed their usual feminine make-up routine. Vince simply shaved to remove the day's shadow of stubble. The gang was soon seated comfortably once again. Since airliners were in the area, the Hawaiian air traffic control center had advised Andy to drop his altitude to less than three thousand. He opted for one thousand to afford his passengers the best unobstructed view. They were grateful for his consideration. Moon and Crip seemed fascinated by the seething ocean far below.
The sun was disappearing before their very eyes when the islands appeared on the horizon, setting the sky ablaze with color. Stacey located her camera and finished out one roll of film on the sunset and skyline. She enlisted Anna's help to change the lens to the telephoto and set the exposure time to match the film speed. To her delight, the airport tower put them into a circular holding pattern around the islands to enable the commercial traffic to thin.
The famous Kilauea Volcano appeared unusually active in the waning light, creating a spectacular light show of pyrotechnic phenomenon. Even the coastline simmered in the volcanic stewpot on which the island was formed. Stacey documented undersea orange lava glows along with their characteristic steam plumes and geysers as well as bright yellow lava streamers and multi-colored gas flares spewing from the crater itself. Anna made one comment to Vince, "Looks like Pele and Kilauea have started our reception early!"
Andy finally received his landing clearance and brought the sleek craft down to earth flawlessly. Like his brother, soft, smooth landings were one of his professional trademarks.
Anna told Stacey where several leashes were stored under the bar. The cats would have to be restrained until they left the airport and checked into the hotel. The arrangement didn't cramp the animals' style in the least.
Andy secured Anna's wheelchair before unlatching the exit door from the outside. The local Hawaiian welcoming committee hurried to greet them. Anna had just gotten situated as the group greeted her and Andy with several "Aloha's" and draped colorful leis, the traditional flower necklaces, around their necks. The ritual was repeated as each new guest stepped from the plane. Moon and Crip presented somewhat of a small problem initially, but one of the grass-skirted girls deftly fashioned two small leis
from one large one and bestowed one on each of the cats. Stacey commented on how hard it was to believe the temperature difference from when she had awakened that morning to the present. She told Anna her luggage contained mostly winter clothes. Undaunted, Anna told her she would just have to start buying a new wardrobe on the islands.
Andy processed through the airport with the rest of the group. Earl stayed behind to have the Horizon refueled and secure a spot in the hangar. He would meet them at the hotel later.
A trio of taxi drivers approached them in competition for the fare. Anna, Vince and the chair rode in one while Andy, Stacey, and the cats rode in another. Stacey took pictures of several torch-lit luaus in progress off the beach route to their rooms.
Vince and Andy covered the cab fares while Stacey wheeled Anna in to get their room keys. Stacey stared in awe of the luxurious surroundings. She had never stayed in a resort hotel before. The rooming plan was simple. Vince and Anna shared one suite, Andy and Earl another, leaving Stacey one all to herself. A doorman left with their luggage before the business of signing in was alleviated. They casually discussed their dinner plans in the elevator. Vince and Anna decided to dine in their room and turn in early. Stacey made Anna promise her she would take her medication and order some extra pillows to prop up her leg. Earl invited Stacey to dinner with him and Andy in the hotel restaurant. He had been to Hawaii many times on business and would enlighten her on the best things to see and do during her stay. Stacey gladly accepted his invitation but reserved herself plenty of time to enjoy a long, hot shower. Anna told Vince she longed for one, too. He told her she was in luck because he had the insight to pack the duct tape with his things. Stacey noticed Andy's eyebrows raise when Anna kissed Vince. She wondered why.
A bottle of complementary champagne on ice waited in each suite along with their suitcases. Anna and Vince bid everyone good-night at the entrance to their suite. Andy and Stacey agreed on a convenient time to leave for dinner before disappearing into the separate suites.
Stacey kicked off her heels after shutting the door. She decided on a hot bath instead of a shower so she could sip a glass of champagne and let her good fortune soak in clear to the bone. Unfamiliar with the bubbly's characteristic popping of the cork, she struggled a minute before it politely ricocheted off her forehead and hit the ceiling!
Stacey reached to rub her forehead at the same time a geyser of champagne arced gracefully into the cleavage at the top of her blouse. She could not help laughing at her own embarrassing mistake, unmistakably glad that nobody else had been there to witness it. Wriggling her toes in the plush carpet, she poured herself a glass and explored the rest of the suite. It had a queen-size bed with a sculptured headboard. Beyond it, double doors opened onto a balcony overlooking the ocean, she guessed. She could smell the balmy salt air and hear the breakers racing up the beach below her in the darkness. To her delight, she discovered the bathroom had a jacussi besides the normal combination shower and bath. The bath plan was immediately altered as Stacey set the controls to her liking and peeled off the wet blouse. She searched her suitcase for something light to wear to dinner, settling on a flowered blouse and a navy skirt. Stacey told herself her first adventure in Hawaii was to be a shopping spree for clothes. She grabbed another bra to replace the wet one and left a trail leading to the jacussi of her other garments. The bubbling water felt so good that she almost fell asleep. Stacey dried off quickly, noticing in the mirror that the cork had left a red spot on her forehead. She put on fresh make-up and daubed on some perfume just before Andy knocked on the door.
Dinner provided a rather tasty educational experience for Stacey. Kalua pig, savory roast pork cooked in an underground oven called an imu, served as the main course. Side dishes included laulau, a package of chopped taro leaves somewhat like spinach, steamed sweet potatoes, poi, a starchy food prepared from the pounded, cooked roots of the taro plant, and fresh fruits; pineapples, papayas, avocados, and bananas. Dessert came in the form of pudding, a traditional Hawaiian dish made from coconuts called haupia.
The trio exchanged life stories during the course of the evening. Stacey learned that Anna's entire personal staff had been hand picked from ordinary people like herself who showed determination, integrity and potential. She had changed many peoples' lives for the better and was highly respected by her immediate staff. The rest of the foundation unfortunately did not share their opinion. Most thought of her as a conceited bitch who had no use for men. Several nasty rumors had circulated in recent years accusing her of being lesbian. Andy and Earl were quick to defend her always and had themselves both been accused of having secret affairs with her. They assured Stacey they were both happily married men, but warned her that she could possibly become the subject of the next scandal. Stacey said there wouldn't be anymore rumors for the simple fact that Anna and Vince would be married before their return. Both men were truly happy for her. They did not know that Vince's connection with their boss was more than professional interests. They all conspired to get her something special for a wedding gift. Stacey felt very comfortable with the two men. They became close, trusted friends through the course of the evening and promised to take her on a jointly escorted grand tour of the islands the next day. Stacey thanked them with a kiss on the cheek for the entertaining evening. Andy remarked that Rex would be jealous if he had seen that. In her deepest thoughts, Stacey secretly hoped he was right. She had a cigarette and a champagne nightcap out on her balcony and recounted the long day's events, one by one. Rex kept popping into her mind. She fell asleep thinking about asking Andy for the inside line on his brother.
Author's Note: Feel free to copy/paste the text contained herein to build your personal copy of "MOON Madness". As this is COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL by ME, the ORIGINAL AUTHOR, please DO NOT copy for UNAUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTION in any form or fashion. "ALL RIGHTS RETAINED & RESERVED" by Larry K. Hockman! Please don't hesitate to E-Mail me for permission to use my works in the classroom, etc. ThanX for Visitin'! I hope you enjoyed the story and pass it on to your friends. LKH
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