How To Win In The Hectic World Of: ONLINE MARKETING!
Defender(TM) offers free submit links for success to search engines, free links pages, and classified sites, inceasing the success factor of online ladies by simplifying their online marketing efforts of mlm and other businesses. It is packed with FREE tips, tools and help for women online & business success. Be SURE to catch the LATEST ~BRAND NEW/HOT~ UPDATE (In Red) & POST Your Link DIRECTLY ON THIS PAGE! Only The Most RECENT 20 Will Be VISIBLE With The NEWEST Link ALWAYS On TOP, So POST OFTEN!
You can instantly catch the "Top Ten" search engines
directly below (Hundreds More Further Down!)
NOTICE!!!!!!!!: Ladies, I invite *ALL* of you to take advantage of the FREE PREVIEW (up to 15 chapters) of "Moon Madness", (This is *PURELY* for your *ENTERTAINMENT*) the PREMIER "cat-lovers *dream* novel! Published/Copyrighted April 2001 by author Larry K. Hockman actively combining *ALL* the categories of action packed Animal/Love-Romance/Mystery-Feminist/Murder/Intrigue into a *single* literary work on "reader friendly" optimized webpages at:
MOON MADNESS OR, . . Just click below!
Hell-O Ladies! Just to set your minds at ease, I'm not trying to SELL you ANYTHING! Defender® is dedicated to HELPING Ladies with their online marketing efforts (This is one of the few sites built by a man that is supported by BannerWomen!). Everything you will find here is FREE! This site will be constantly upgraded with only the best and simplest tools I can find.
As you can see below (near bottom), I've got "Splat" and "Femina", the classic ladies' search engine to find anything for ladies you can't find here. Click On the Submit Express button below to submit to 40 Top Search Engines.
NOTE: The *Galaxy* FREE search engine submission has gone to a "pay" service and has been discontinued *here* I will add another such service when I find one which offers the convenience and worth of its space.
I wanted to add you a FFA listing area right here, but,.... UPDATE!!!!!! I DID!!! (simply click the "ADD YOUR OWN LINK" at the bottom of the list and a new window will open up) You can ALSO hyperlink on the buttons at left to post on OTHER Defender® PAGES to over 300,000 MORE FFAs! (Yep! The VOLUME is GROWING steadily) :-)
Here is a *GREAT* FREE FFA page (Get YOURS FREE!) which not only offers a customizable FFA page, but ALSO COLLECTS EMAIL ADDRESSES(!) like the PAY FFAs!! PLUS, . . your personal BANNER is rotated through their entire network!,......Hard to beat for FREE! Get it below: (On the Bottom Of *MY* FFA page!)
KIOSKEN: Extensive Worldwide Newspaper Directory
LADIES!!: It has come to my attention that some of our ladies in or from other countries would like to have the news or advertise in THEIR country's newspapers in THEIR original LANGUAGE. Advertise, cure homesickness or just get your news. If the paper you want has an online presence, you can add it to their database. Presently, they comprise 213 countries. Click the baner below:
HERE is a great place to get marketing pointers and free tools/advice from some of the best female marketers on the web-----Tell "Kiki" that "Defender" sent you!
NOTE: ALL Search Engine RATINGS are DIRECTLY affected by the # of RECIPROCAL LINKS back to YOUR site -- The MORE you have -- the HIGHER the Rating! You can generate THOUSANDS using the LINKS GENERATOR Below:
I've created another page with ALL SUPER CLASSIFIED Sites Right Next Door! (part of this site) It is loaded with ad posting sites WORLDWIDE so you can even post country
specific ads if you want! CHECK IT OUT by clicking the Defender® Super Classifieds button on the TOP LEFT of this page. I think you will be pleased!
By the way, I'm very good with HTML so if you need some help with banners or linking something somewhere, E-Mail me and I'll write you something simple to get it working where you will only have to substitute your filename, ID# or whatever.LKH
If you can host banners on your site,... try a *Banner Exchange Program*. You might have noticed that I use two good ones (BannerWomen & BannersGoMLM). [NOTICE: Although I *STILL* recommend BannersGoMLM FREE Banner exchange,......They have *unfortunately* implemented some new restrictions in their TOS which makes it impossible to put their code here without me being in violation of the new policy, so I have removed it here.] I also use Megaspinner, but it is somewhat different, but YOU can build an AWESOME guaranteed rotation database (creates PERMANENT links as well!)
I get massive exposure from each of these (I have 1500 showings coming from BannerWomen alone, and over 3000 at BannersGoMLM!) I urge you to utilize one or more of them if you can. You will be amazed how many hits they can generate even while you are asleep! The FREE banner building service I use is super simple, fun and "size(KB)" customizable for each exchange except BannerGoMLM (they have their own generator for their "odd" size). Get Addesigner FREE:
Larry K. Hockman -- WELCOMES YOU!
"Bear Only The Weight Of The TOOLS Necessary For Success"