Moon Madness - Dedication, Copyright© 2001-2006 By Larry K. Hockman, "All RIGHTS RESERVED"
This book is dedicated to *Mom & Pop,.........back together in Heaven,...;)*- Mom,...a great"spiritual" writer of poems and prose whom *never* doubted my abilities and talents, and gave me my *LOVE* of beauty, grace, class ladies, compassion and understanding of women in general, my tender touch, and artistic abilities,...and most likely my guardian angel thats sits on my shoulder in times of *urgent* need, *always* ready to give me that split-second decision or instinct to cheat death or save another and sometimes tells me what is beyond the visible, physical horizon so I can choose a safer path *if* necessary,...*Dad*,...where I got my ingenuity, mastery of tools and technical abilities, love of the outdoors with hunting and fishing skills to match, much of my genetic, physical abilities and my stubborn tenacity to never give up *or* simply turn and walk away and never look back,... & also to "Moonbeam", one of my own cats tragically lost to feline leukemia. The character of "Moon" within these pages has been patterned from many of his real life antics and almost human mannerisms. Although my *real* cat, Moonbeam (purebred ManX), had none of the added wild heritage I bestowed on Moon in the book, he was nonetheless an innately skilled hunter in the pristine simplicity of nature's most successful group of mammalian predators. I salute your cunning and hunting prowess in its purest sense, aside from the sheer grace and agility you aptly shared with other members of your species. May your's and Mom's and Dad's ultimate spirits "LIVE ON" within these pages after losing your most valiant battles to the only foes you were not equipped to fight and win, . . ones which showed neither mercy nor remorse, . . . ALL unseen and deadly. You all *HAVE* been *MISSED* by *EVERYONE* who were privileged to *KNOW* any of you. Take care, Mom and Dad, and you, too,... Ol' Buddy,......wherever you may be,.......{Personal Note}For Dad & Shadow;...Sorry I wasn't able to say *Good-bye*,...:( Keep one eye on the *bird* RESPONSIBLE for *that*, Shadow)----Can't be trusted,... I hope *you* picked your *new* home,...LKH
Author's Note: Feel free to copy/paste the text contained herein to build your personal copy of "MOON Madness". As this is COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL by ME, the ORIGINAL AUTHOR, please DO NOT copy for UNAUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTION in any form or fashion. "ALL RIGHTS RETAINED & RESERVED" by Larry K. Hockman! Please don't hesitate to E-Mail me for permission to use my works in the classroom, etc. ThanX for Visitin'! I hope you enjoyed the story and pass it on to your friends. LKH
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